Wednesday 5 March 2014


This under mind control.Only our mind is free we can achieve whatever we wish to have in our life.
There are five easy steps to involve ourselves in meditation.
Follow and enjoy..............

Find a place to meditate: A peaceful place  is all that a person needs to start meditation.As you are a beginner, you need to find a place that is peaceful enough to meditate. It can be a temple or a park or your home. 

Sit comfortably: Once you find a peaceful environment, you have to sit for meditation. You need to sit in an upright posture but that does not mean that you need to uptight.Do not become stiff, try to relax in the position in which you are sitting. 

Make a meditative situation: It is not much  easy to learn meditation.You are supposed to create an atmosphere within you for meditation.Your external atmosphere has to be  favorable for meditation. Dim the lights; light some incense sticks and play soft instrumental music to pleasant your mind and relax yourself.

Concentrate on your breathing: Keep breathing slow and deep.This will take conscious effort and will occupy your mind.You will automatically start breathing deeply to make meditation easy.

 Block all unnecessary thoughts: It is not easy to control your mind.You need to focus on blocking all thoughts. As soon as you try to block out your thoughts, all will fill your brain.Do not try them to vacate your brain.Slowly your mind will clear out. When it does, you will be in really feel the real value of meditation. You try to learn meditation not as a stress buster but as a spiritual means to reach God. 

These basic steps will help start meditating. You can experiment with different styles of meditation after you become a pro. 

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